Syed Ali Ashraf's thoughts and contribution to the Islamisation of education (2025)

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[CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS] International Conference on Renewal and Reform of Islamic Thought and Civilization

Safiyyah Sabreen Syeed

IIUM-ISTAC Publications, 2024

My paper is on page 148 entitled 'Reconciliation and Islamisation - A Roadmap for an Islamic Intellectual Revival. I presented this paper at ISTAC Kuala Lumpur on 23 April 2024. Abstract The Muslim world produced one of the greatest intellectual revolutions in history. Since the Colonial Period, the effort to bring about a global Islamic Revival has been a much sought after project for Muslim intellectuals worldwide. This paper studies the core principles that were instrumental in building the Islamic Intellectual Revolution (8th-18th Century CE). These core principles are identified as the centrality of the Quran in all intellectual discourse, a broad epistemological landscape and the unity of the sacred and secular sciences. This paper explores how returning to the same methodology can lead to an Islamic intellectual revival. The Quran identifies eight valid epistemic sources apart from itself while declaring itself as the Furqan (Criterion) to judge their validity. These include Sunnah, human intellect (Aql and Qiyas), Ijma (consensus), intuition (Basira), the physical universe, history and certain knowledge from other civilizations. It is the duty of the scholars to work towards an integration of knowledge derived from these different sources and thus ‘Islamize’ them. This paper identifies the core reasons for the present intellectual crisis to be rooted in an ignorance of the broad epistemological landscape of Islam. The Quran anticipates how a better understanding of the self and the cosmos, will lead to a validation of the truth of the Quran in the future. (Q 41:53) Contemporary scientific discourse has uncovered important perspectives related to these two domains, presenting a good opportunity for Muslim intellectuals to study them in the light of Islamic Thought. It is argued that science today needs a new philosophical paradigm as breakthroughs in physics and cosmology have made the current mechanistic and deterministic philosophy of science obsolete. This paper discusses how a new Islamic philosophy of science that rests on the Kalam and Sufi view of the universe and consciousness is one of the best contenders for this change in paradigm. Developments in Quantum Physics, Fine Tuned Cosmology and the hard problem of consciousness are taken as case studies to propose solutions from Islamic thought to conundrums related to them. Thus a practical guide to the Islamization of the fields of cosmology, physics, biology and neuropsychology is proposed and it is argued that this approach will inevitably revitalize Muslim Thought, reconcile physical sciences with it and thus has the potential to bring about an intellectual revival in the Ummah.

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World Conferences on Muslim Educaton: Shaping the Agenda of Muslim Education in the Future

Shaikh Abdul Mabud

Philosophies of Islamic Education: Historical Perspectives and Emerging Discourses, 2016

Eight World Conferences on Muslim Education have been held since 1977. The debate of these conferences was to do with a choice between two mutually exclusive systems of education: secular education based on man-made philosophies that deny or ignore the existence of a Creator and an Islamic education characterized by Islamic religious principles and the intellectual traditions of Islam. This article will look at the rationale behind the formulation of ideas that radically departed from what was in vogue in the educational parlance of most Muslim countries. Inspired by the rich intellectual tradition of Islam, the organizers and participants of these conferences searched for ideals of education that are Islamic, modern and a fitting response to the challenges of secularization. With scholars trying to refine and implement the concepts of “Islamization of education” and “Islamization of knowledge” that gained new impetus as a result of these conferences, the agenda of Islamic education has moved forward. The development and implementation of a comprehensive Islamic education system as envisaged by the organizers of these conferences have been met with philosophical, political, financial and organizational hurdles. But the impact of these conferences can be seen most clearly in the rise of certain educational institutions across the world. The agenda of Islamic education has now diversified and is being pursued at different levels by various groups. The future of Islamic education lies in developing an atmosphere of critical thinking that can engage the Muslim scholars with the modern world: the debate now is the nature of the hermeneutics that will preserve the permanence of the Islamic principles while maintaining a balance between tradition and modernity.

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A Study of Sayyid Shaykh Ahmad al-Hadi's (1867-1934) and Abdullah Ahmad's (1878-1933) Contributions to Islamic Reform in the Malay World


This study has three central purposes. Firstly, it compares the careers and educational activities of Sayyid Shaykh al-Hadi (1867-1934) and Haji Abdullah Ahmad (1878-1933), ardent representatives of the Islamic reformist movement in the Malay world in the early twentieth century. Secondly, it also examines the fundamental similarities and differences between the aim and content of their socio-religious reforms in addition to their methodological approach to the socio-religious problems in the Malay world. Finally, it explores the main social and religious contributions of these two reformists to the Islamic reformist movement in the Malay world. The historical-analytical method is employed in the thesis. The study is based on the examination of articles and books written by al-Hadi and Haji Abdullah. They were significant representatives of the urban-based intellectual and religious movement that emerged in the Malay world in the early twentieth century who came from the wealthy and intellectual families. While al-Hadi was a descendant of a Malay-Hadhrami family, Haji Abdullah was a member of a local Minangkabau family. They played a pivotal role in the introduction and modernization of the madrasahs in the Malay world. Whereas al-Hadi’s madrasahs were short-lived because of the financial constraints and the absence of the Malay parents’ interest in his madrasahs, Haji Abdullah’s madrasahs were long-lived owing to the Minangkabau parents’ positive attitudes towards his educational activities, and his associations like the Syarikat Usaha Adabiah supported the sustainable administration and maintenance of the educational institutions. As for the socio-religious reforms of both reformists, there are remarkable similarities between their methodological approach to the socio-religious problems in the Malay world. Impressed by the Cairo-centred reformist discourse led by Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī and Muḥammad ‘Abduh, they campaigned for a return to the pristine teachings of Islam, namely the Qur’ān and the Ḥadīth, because they considered that the main cause of the “backwardness” of the Malay world was due to “corrupted” religious rituals and practices. Therefore, they condemned the rooted religious ceremonies in society. In brief, the study focuses on the similarities and differences between the background, educational activities and socio-religious ideas of al-Hadi and Haji Abdullah.

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Reflection on IIUM philosophy of education in a historical context

Ibrahim Shogar


It is a basic psychological premise that human being acts the way he thinks; in other words, our acts explain the way we think. This premise emphasizes the assumption that problems of Muslim societies are mainly result of the prevailing thoughts which in turn are production of education philosophies. Whitehead emphasizes that the mentality of an epoch springs from the view of the world, which is in fact, dominant in the educated sections of the community in question. Hence, the contemporary global crises, especially in the Muslim world, have shifted the attention once again to the question of education and initiated many studies on this topic. The proper understanding of such problems, however, might not be possible without understanding the underlying philosophy of education, which deals with the major educational questions about the recipient, the content, and goals of education. The objective of this paper is to highlight the education philosophy of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) as an example of new model of Islamic education of higher learning that integrates knowledge with values and modernity with classic. The paper is designed to provide the basic information on IIUM philosophy, aiming at creating awareness on significance of this topic. It does not review or evaluate the theory of 'Islamization and integration of knowledge' (IOK); rather it presents the structure and the general framework of IIUM educational philosophy and its implications on practical challenges of modern Muslim societies in the globalizing world. This exposition would be in a historical context of Islamic education and development of its reformation thought.

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Professor Dr Sayed Ali Ashraf and His Contribution towards Islamization of Knowledge in Bangladesh An Evaluation.pdf

Dr Mohammad Saiful Islam

Islam conceives the goal of man to become the Vicegerent of Allah (SWT) on this earth. This implies, first, that man must have knowledge and second that he is able to use that knowledge for his own good and the good of the entire creation, including mankind, other creatures and external nature of Islam. Therefore, does not put a barrier to the acquisition of knowledge. Dr. Sayed Ali Ashraf was one of the pioneers among the Islamic scholars who initiated the movement of Islamization of knowledge. This paper examines the role of Dr Sayed Ali Ashraf in Islamizing knowledge that he made an original and considerable contribution to the regeneration of Islamic education drawn from the Islamic world view. It aims to discuss also the foundations of the movement of the Islamization of education throughout the world with especial reference to Bangladesh by Dr Sayed Ali Ashraf. Finally, there will be an evaluation based on real situations of Islamizing knowledge and various aspects of the Islamic philosophy of education in Bangladesh.

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The Islamisation Project of IIUM

Ahmad Yusry, Adalheidis Alexandros

al-burhan, 2019

This study attempts to analyse the role of the International Islamic University in achieving Islamisation and in bringing out an integrated curricular and educational program aiming for the holistic development of the ummah and institutions at all levels of society. It also offers profound analysis of the universal values and teachings the University had imparted and its function to provide a broad spectrum and avenue for potential human growth and in driving the intellectual reform and constructing ummatan wasaṭa (the balanced community) based on Islamic worldviews, norms, principles and values in realizing Islamization process. The study also dealt specifically with the vision of the University, as enshrined in its constitution that define her character, psyche, culture and direction. It also turns to discuss specific intellectual and spiritual challenges that the modern world had posed to contemporary Muslim and the role that the University can play in providing the means to answer these challenges.

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Kamal Hassan and the Birth of IIUM: A Retrospective Survey of His Ideas

Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak

Journal of Islam in Asia, 2023

Documented evidence states that IIUM which came to exist in 1983, was the brainchild of Kamal Hassan (1942-2023). As one of the great minds of the Malay world, the task of conceptualizing an Islamic university unlike any other in the Muslim world, was personally an intellectual and educational challenge for Kamal Hassan. As a visionary scholar in a class of his own, he was successful in transforming Malaysia's dream of establishing an Islamic university, into a reality. The present study which comes under the qualitative paradigm mainly focused on biographical and historical events of the past. In interpreting the relevant data of the study, the researchers have employed the content and textual analysis methods. The research findings indicate that Kamal Hassan's laborious effort in the establishment of IIUM has yielded positive results. Forty years after its birth, IIUM has shone through the decades as one of the best universities in the Muslim world.

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Graphical based monitoring of the Earth's electric field signal prior to the earthquake

Rini Akmeliawati

The 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for The Muslim World (ICT4M), 2014

Dr. Mazlan is ranked No. 20 th Thought Leader in IOT by 2014 Onalytics Report-"The Internet of Things-Top 100 Thought Leaders". He has 30 years of experience and accomplishments in a senior management capacity primarily accountable for R&D, Product Development Innovation & Solutions, Technology Management, Network Operations and Academia. Before joining REDtone, he spent 8 years in MIMOS Berhad as the Senior Director Wireless Communications Cluster where he is responsible to lead, strategise and manage the Applied R&D activities in Wireless Communications technology. He also spent 13 years in CELCOM (mobile operator), handling many senior management positions (including R&D, Billing Operations, Technology & Technical Management, Network Administration & Management, Mobile Data, Integrated Business Solutions and Mobility Solutions). Prior to Celcom, he spent 10 years as an academician at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Dr. Mazlan is a frequent speaker in many major & established IT and telco conferences locally and globally. He has served as MOSTI's Technofund and Science Fund (ICT Cluster) Technical & Commercial Evaluation Committee, Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) for several local universities. Currently he is an Adjunct Professor with UTHM.

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Revisiting the Penetration of Islam in the Philippines and its Implication for the Development of Muslim Institutions (Pengkajian semula Tentang Penetrasi Islam di Filipina dan Kesannya terhadap Pembangunan Institusi Islam)

Alizaman Gamon

Journal of Islam in Asia <span style="font-size: 0.6em">(E-ISSN: 2289-8077)</span>

This study discusses the penetration of Islam in the Philippines, particularly the third wave of its expansion, which was brought by Sufi missionaries. It reinstates the historical relevance of Sufi ideas and approaches due to its contemporary relevance to the concept of social co-existence. The rational, intellectual and philosophical dimension of Islam is manifested in the cultural and traditional life of Muslim communities. The study also analyzes the impact of Muslim struggle for the development of Islamic institutions in the context of the secular state. The ongoing, unsettled debate between Islamic and government approaches to peace and development in Mindanao and Sulu continues unabated. Over the years, reforms were introduced, but in their midst, evidence of government biases and prejudices with regards to Islamic institutions have surfaced. Muslim leaders and intellectuals responded in the context of historical rights and freedom, but those views were often questioned as th...

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Syed Ali Ashraf's thoughts and contribution to the Islamisation of education (2025)


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